Tariffs and supply chains: Expert insights on cross-border disruptions

Tariffs and supply chains: Expert insights on cross-border disruptions

Behrouz Bakhtiari takes a close look at supply chain issues and the implications of tariffs.

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Tariffs and supply chains: Expert insights on cross-border disruptions

Research and Scholarship

Research is at the core of our mission and one of the main ways in which we make a meaningful impact on business and society.

Our Goal

Further our excellence in all aspects of research and discovery to advance knowledge and have a positive impact on business and society.

Major Initiatives & Activities

Pursue and support growth in research funding, infrastructure, and impactful dissemination.


Our Planned Activities
➝ Enhance internal support and recognition for research success.
➝ Reinforce commitment to areas of focus.
➝ Amplify research impact to academic, business, and not-for-profit organizations.

Increase collaborative research within DSB and McMaster, including establishing and participating in cross-disciplinary research centres and initiatives.


Our Planned Activities
➝ Foster and support interdisciplinary research activities.
➝ Establish additional interdisciplinary research centres.

Cultivate a training environment where our undergraduate and graduate students are meaningfully engaged in research.


Our Planned Activities
➝ Enhance graduate and undergraduate students’ engagement in research activities.
➝ Increase targeted research funding for graduate and undergraduate students.

Promote and support research collaborations and knowledge mobilization with business and community partners.


Our Planned Activities
➝ Create an industry/community advisory board for research partnerships.
➝ Expand funding and coordinate efforts in support of knowledge mobilization.